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We Shall Over Come Against COVID-19

At last We Shall Over Come Against COVID-19.

“We shall overcome, we shall overcome,

We shall overcome someday;

Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe,

We shall overcome someday.”

It was last days of November, 2019 when China confirmed the existence of COVID 19 Officially.

Whereas the first case of COVID 19 in India was reported on 30th January 2020. On the 11th March, 2020 The World Health Organization (WHO) announced COVID 19 a Pandemic. And from then the active case for COVID 19 is growing exceptionally.

Though it seemed to be very pandemic and widely spreading but it can be clearly seen that the recovery rate is also high as well.

We Shall Over Come Against COVID-19
We Shall Over Come Against COVID-19

It is not the first time that human civilization is facing such disastrous disease. We already come up with solutions or conquered many different pandemics such as Zika virus, Ebola, H1N1 Swine Flu etc. And many more natural disasters.

It’s just a matter of time we humans come with solutions and for that time we are trying to prevent the disease from spreading as much as possible.

The best ways described by WHO to prevent the spreading is to stay home, isolated keeping social distance and locking down the states from public transports such as bus, trains, planes etc.

From one side of view we can keep the spreading very low by staying home and keeping social distance which is very easy but on the other side the daily labours are facing the affect of lockdown or social isolation.

We can mitigate the problem of needy people by providing them with food and necessary commodities. If all of us can come together and follow the rules properly, We can assure that one day we will either come up with medicine or get victory against COVID 19 and We shall overcome someday.

What do you think about how much time we need more to overcome this situation?Let us know in comments.