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How to Rank Videos in YouTube Search Easily

How to Rank Videos in YouTube Search. In this post, you’ll learn how to rank Videos in YouTube Search. We will learn how to rank videos using common google search terms that people might use. We will also share 2 very handy tips to get your video in the top spot of results.

In this post, you’ll learn How to rank Videos in YouTube Search

Indexing your Video to Youtube Search – Common Search Terms

An indexing process will help the Youtube’s algorithms crawl the video and rank it higher in search results. Google uses your youtube videos to rank other videos for the exact same search term.

What is an Indexing Process?

This process takes 2 minutes, but can potentially deliver results of ~70-100%. When a new video is uploaded to YouTube, Youtube’s automatic software first decides whether the video contains a decent thumbnail. They have a pre-determined thumbnail ratio that can result in a 300 to 500 views. If it doesn’t have a decent thumbnail, the Youtube’s software analyzes the video. Then, they judge whether it has compelling content. The more compelling your video, the higher it ranks.

Next, they evaluate the quality of the video. The quality may be in the form of audio, subtitles, length, etc. If your video is of a good quality, it may be eligible to be indexed.

How to Rank Videos in YouTube Search – Common Search Terms

For a video to rank in search results, it has to be indexed and ranked high in search results.

This process will allow your video to be indexed and rank for search terms such as your name, job title, city, etc.

You can now find a video by typing these common search terms into Youtube search bar. These are the top videos for these search terms.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to rank Videos in YouTube Search using common search terms. Let’s get started!

Using Common YouTube Search Terms – Rank Videos

What You Need

YouTube Logo for youtube video

YouTube Account for YouTube Video account

YouTube Videos you wish to rank

How to Rank Videos in YouTube Search – Common Video Footnotes

YouTube requires a video to have “Audio, Video Description”, “Title”, “User tags”, “Distributed Content”, and “Video Description”.


The embedding markup of a video is under “Source”. Youtube places an icon or URL symbol right below the embed button. Click the icon and select “Copy Embed Code”.

Example of embedded youtube video code. The “References” block under Source is used for YouTube’s required markers. The body, by the way, is the real video you saw before.


You are going to find a video which will have those required markers. Click the star icon and use the code to paste inside the “Source” box and click “Preview”.

Using Common Video Footnotes – Rank Videos

Do a Youtube search for something that can be your reference. Click on the embedding box and paste the video embed code in the box. You can use your own logo or upload a cool logo to your video if you wish.

Your video is now indexed and ranked in Youtube search results.


Your video is going to be indexed and ranked, but it is a waste of time to rank it using common videos that have no quality. Here is a short list of the keywords you need to use in your video.

Here is some other technique you can use