How to use ez Mission License
Hello my gamer friends…in season 7 tenscent added a new feature called rp ez mission License.
There are 3 parks in it.
Where as the park 1 unlocks quickly challenge missions 1 week ahead of time.
this will be helpful for that players who wants to show their rp ranking on the plane.
As it unlocks weekly challenge missions 1 week ahead of time,so the players can get a chance to complete the rp mission of the next week before normal elite royal pass player can.
he can unlock all challenge missions by week 7.
Park 2: now park 2 will give the players 2 additional mission cards each week beginning at week 1 until the end of the season.
players can collect the mission cards for each week during that week.
And now park 3 will skip the 10 mission requirements in week 8 to open the elite chest of the week.and the player can open the chest directly.
How to purchase?
The more consecutive rp purchases a player can make,the cost of ez mission license will be cheaper.
a player should buy 3 consecutive royal passes to make the ez mission license purchase for free.a player can only purchase or collect his ez mission license if he had purchased the royal pass for current season.